Thursday, January 6, 2011

Release Announcement


The Virtual Life of Fizzy Oceans
by David A. Ross

Meet Fizzy Oceans—archivist, researcher, environmentalist and adventurer. On her travels she witnesses The Exodus, the Battle of Gettysburg and Hurricane Katrina, as well as many other historical and real time events. She meets notable individuals including Gandhi, Mark Twain, Jacques Cousteau, The Dalai Lama, Saddam Hussein and even a new species called the Quinngen.

Such unique experiences and encounters spanning the world and time as we know them would not be possible for a single individual—especially not for a woman named Amy Birkenstock who works as a medical clerk in Seattle, Washington—but Fizzy Oceans, Amy’s digital alter ego, is not in Physical Life. She lives, works and travels in the virtual world where the dead are very much alive, places like ancient Babylon and Pompeii have been reconstructed, and with the click of a button—WHOOSH!—one is transported throughout the Ages to events and destinations that make up our human history.

Even as Amy’s physical life existence is challenged by encroaching environmental disaster, economic instability, and societal breakdown, Fizzy’s virtual world offers instant realization of vision and inspiration. The Virtual Life of Fizzy Oceans imagines the bridging of two worlds—the literal and the metaphorical—and questions what it is we have created, what has been lost, and what might be possible for us as individuals and for the Human Race.

Available Now from: Amazon | Smashwords | OpenBooks


Why am I doing this? Simple: it is one of the requirements for getting a review copy.

The story sounds interesting, so I thought I'd look into it. When I found out I could get a review copy so long as I made a release announcement post and posted my review by 31 March, I decided to go for it.

This is (currently) only available as an e-book. I don't have an e-reader, but my husband does; it was his Christmas present in 2009. I'll mostly be reading the book on my computer, so it may take me a while to finish. Good thing I have almost three months to read and review. ^_^

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